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Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis pain – YOU NEED THIS!
Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2020
IT WORKS!!! I never every write reviews, but I absolutely had to for this one. I a nurse and I’m on my feet for 14+ hours STRAIGHT at a time. I was on my 5th twelve hour shift in a row when these arrived at my house and I bolted through the door, opened the package and started using the ball. Let me just tell you, this little magic ball somehow cured my plantar fasciitis. I could not believe it! I’m at work today on my 6th 12 hour shift in a row and my feet are barely aching! Sure, they still hurt a little, and it will probably take a couple weeks of stretches and ball exercises to get back to normal, but I am almost pain free! After one night of stretches and ball exercises! I was literally crying in pain it was so bad, but now I’m back to my happy go-lucky self! In summary, BUY THESE!!!!
Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2020
Omg just what I needed! This is a must have 4 people with plantar phaciitis! I always said that there's gotta be something more than just cortisone shots & standing stretching the keelies & plantar muscles in the feet. Well this works better than a shot! The ball & arch bands are fantastic! Dr.Moe God bless you for making this affordable & for creating it! If u have pain in your feet with the 1st few steps then u should invest in this because it really works 100%! We only have 1 pair of feet for transport. Don't let your feet get any worse because there is definitely a cure for plantar phaciitis. Just be patient for about 4 to 6 weeks & your feet will be smiling again 😊.
Great product that really helps!
Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2020
This was the perfect set for my plantar fasciitis and was very affordable. The ball is much better than the tennis ball I had been using and the stretching rope was much softer on my foot when stretching.
Working Mom
Dr Moe’s great idea!
Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2020
I have seen some simple and right to the point products that I wished I had invented. Dr. Moe's band is not only extremely easy to use, but takes away the need for multi colored bands, towels etc. to get a good stretch. It is made with high-quality products, and very affordable. It certainly is help with my golf game.
K.M Gayda
It works!
Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2020
I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis foot pain for months. Those first few steps in the morning were a killer. Today was different! It was not until the end of the day that I realized that I did not have foot pain all day. I had to run home to write this review. This product is amazing! It works! Big thank you to the creator of this product. You are a life saver.
J. Danielle
Designed by a Physical Therapist

Easy to use for rapid pain relief